Sunday, July 21, 2013

Day 19 (The Final Destination)

For the first time in 19 days, I'm sitting here typing this at home. It's been a wild 19 days, a crazy, unforgettable, adventure of a lifetime. We went from hill to plains to mountain to deserts to canyons, so many different places all on the same 19 days. It's been a pleasure doing this blog for you guys, and I hope that I let you experience a tiny bit of the fun that we've had along the way. Goodbye.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Day 18 (On the homestretch)

We're almost there. We really are. We are about 8 hours away from home sweet home. We've come so far on this trip, having just hit the 6000 mile mark. Today we drove past something other than corn, and although it was still the same old farmland, at least it wasn't corn. We ate ice-cream at the "best place in Illinois", but it still was nowhere near as good as our local place. Just can't beat home can you? Speaking of home, we finally crossed back into the same time zone as home, so now my internal clock can get back on track.

PS. If you are wondering why I skipped from day 16 to 18, it's because somewhere along the line I messed up with the day numbers.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Day 16 (Corn)

Today was kind of corny. Not in the sense that dad made a bunch of bad jokes, but in the sense that there was corn here, there, and everywhere. We passed corn on the side of the road that would go on as far as you could see. Corny. Very Corny. I slept outside last night, and woke up to mom and dad taking off my rainfly and saying if I wanted to sleep I should go back to the camper. Not a problem. I slept for the next couple hours. Like I said, we drove past corn. From Nebraska to Iowa. We ate at a restaurant featured on Diners, Drive ins, and Dives, which had a giant black squirrel (not on the menu, sorry Uncle Steve) in the attached art gallery. Then we passed Corn and more corn. We are currently holed up in a KOA in Newton, Iowa, and that's where we plan on waking up. This state map update is the final state we we be able to add.

Guest post here from Nancy: Please send a one way plane ticket home to me ASAP! The camper is starting to smell funky and I don't know who these people I am traveling with are anymore.  Don't know if I can face two more twelve hour days trapped in a traveling tin can. Plus, these "heartlanders" and "mid-westerners" at the campgrounds are so friendly and laid back, its kinda weird.

But seriously, Chris and Carly have been great for the duration. Verrrry minimal bickering with each other, and they have gotten plenty of "vacation tasty treats". (sounds like we're traveling with family dogs, doesn't it?). So far so good, everything has been great so far. These last two days will be the biggest challenge, as its all driving and nothing "fun" to look forward to anymore, except sleeping in our own beds,  but I'm sure the kids (and I) will remain strong! As for Jim, well, was there any question that he'd have a jolly old time throughout the entire adventure? Go Clark Griswold...

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Day 15 (Turning Eastward)

I. AM. COMING. HOME. This is disappointing. No matter how much I joked around on this blog, I had the trip of a lifetime. I mean come on, who can say that they got kissed by a camel. We left Uncle Frank's house in CO today, and took a nice long ride on a friends boat, then drove out of Colorado into Nebraska. We found a campground here, and that's where we are. Since there isn't much from today to share, and I feel bad about yesterday's laziness, I'll upload some of yesterdays pictures too, for your enjoyment of course.

And now for yesterday's:

Day 14 (Horses and Camels)

Sorry for the late post guys... I decided to be really lazy yesterday. This post will document yesterday's events, and expect a later post today for today's events. So, on Day 14, we woke up in Silverthorne CO, eager to spend a full day with Aunt "B" and Uncle Frankie. To start off our day, me and Carly took a nice horseback ride with Aunt "B". It was a great time, my first ever on a horse, and we even got to trot and canter a bit. Next we went out with high hopes for an alpine slide ride, but the weather decided to cancel those plans right away. Oh well. When we returned home, we met 3 camels. Tazi, Cletus ( a baby) and HUMPERDINK! Who names their camel HUMPERDINK? I couldn't get over it for like 10 minutes. And not to mention Tazi tried to kiss me. Yep, no girl in a flat bed ford slowed down to take a look at me, but a camel tried to kiss me. What ever will I do with myself?

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Day 13 (White What Now?)

Today is TUEsday, and day 13 of our trip. Coincidence? I think so. Nothing unlucky happened, our trip continues without problem (knock on wood). Although we have no pictures to document it, today we went white water rafting, and it was a blast for all six of us. Yes, six of us. We met up with Uncle Franky and Aunt B. today, and after climbing through multiple mountain passes, we will stay with them today. In a HOUSE! A REAL HOUSE!

For Grandma...

If you are not Grandma, that is to be my grandmother, Nancy, then you might not fully understand the meaning of this post. But if you are Grandma, the one and only, then I have this picture just for you.